
factor ece +

Factor ECE

Early Childhood Education: Get to know the importance of Early Childhood Education and its benefits over intellectual, social and emotional development.
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By acquiring the License, it is possible to redo the program in any given area. This includes staff training, teaching materia...
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Parent Engagement Academy offers education consulting services for support in the implementation of Factor.


Factor is a five session course (once a week) divided into orientation, five classes and graduation...

Factor 2

Enabling Socioemotional Learning: Provide parents with tools and knowledge to deal with every stage of their child’s development...
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Factor 3

Growth Mindset Acknowledge parents of the advantages to developing a growth mindset vs. fixed mindset. This will help them develop...
factor t +

Factor T

Teachers and leaders training on parent engagement Results Focused / Action Oriented.
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Factor Dual

Dual Language Learning is a form of bilingual education in which students are taught literacy and content in two languages.